Welcome Darlings!

This blog is dedicated to all the things I love...

Beauty, fashion, shopping, peace, love and fun. A blog for Hot Moms, Glam Moms, Green Moms and those in-between Moms. Heck, even those of you that are "Moms" to your furry little ones will find some good stuff here!

I love FASHION. I love SHOPPING. Love buying clothes for my baby. Okay, lets be honest. I love buying clothes for ME, too. And shoes and bags and gifts. I love BLOGGING and SHARING with others. Last, but not least, I love GIVING. I want to help beautiful children from around the globe have a better life. My new lullaby CD is now available and half the proceeds go to a charity for orphaned children and children and families living with HIV/AIDS. Read more about the charity here, the CD below, and order the CD buy hitting the BUY NOW.

Butterfly Moon

Shopaholic Diva

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Cutest Ride In Town

After picking up one of these adorable little rides for our pumpkin, I just had to blog about it. Cute, innovative, well made, and fun. Sure to outlast those plastic get-around toys. Made by Prince Lion Heart Toys out of Australia, these go for around $55-60 for the small one. And a larger version that goes up to $75. Best price I found was $54.55 on Happy Mother's site. For quick shipping and 1 click ordering you can also go to Amazon. 

The Wheel Bug 

The Wheely Bee 

The Wheely Cow

Happy Shopping!!

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